An average month for both temperature and precipitation
Although the month started off with a bit of a hot streak, this was followed by some cooler temperatures and the rest of the month didn’t see many extremes. The resulted in an overall temperature that was just a bit (0.2 degrees) higher than average, but well within the average range. This does make it the coldest July in 6 years and there has only been 1 colder than average July in the last 12 years.
There was pretty consistent precipitation throughout the month, but in the end the 113.6 mm, although more than the 98.6 mm average, was less than a millimetre from putting it into the above average range. However, it was the wettest July in the last 7 years.
After a dry start to the year, the most recent month and half has started to make up for it, the total precipitation so far this year of 454.9 mm is now closer to the average of 509.0 mm.
Summary for July 2021:
Maximum Temperature 31.4°C
Minimum Temperature 8.1°C
Average Daily High Temperature 25.5°C (Long term average 26.0°C)
Average Daily Low Temperature 14.8°C (Long term average 14.0°C)
Total Precipitation 113.6 mm (Long term average 98.6 mm)