The fourth warmest October in the region with above average precipitation
The first half of the month was very warm, with some days having a low temperature above the average high for those days. Even when it cooled down in the second half of the month, the temperatures just went down to the average. There were 10 days with a temperature over 20°C where typically there are only 3.5 days like that.
The overall temperature was 4.8 degrees above average, making it the warmest October since 2007 and tied for the fourth warmest since records began in the region in 1914. At 8 am on October 24th the temperature went below zero for the first time since the spring, which is about 7-10 days later than the average.
October started off wet in the first few days of the month, it continued to be wet throughout the month with storms every few days. The final total of 110.6 mm was well above the average of 67.4 mm.
This wetter than average month resulted in the total precipitation since January (898.9 mm) getting even more above the average for this time of year (750.6 mm).
Summary for October 2021:
Maximum Temperature 25.8°C
Minimum Temperature -0.5°C
Average Daily High Temperature 16.7°C (Long term average 13.5°C)
Average Daily Low Temperature 9.3°C (Long term average 2.9°C)
Total Precipitation 110.6 mm (Long term average 67.4 mm)