A very average June for both temperature and precipitation
Really not that much to say about the temperature during the month of June. It was a little bit warm at the start of the month (a few days above 30°C), and a bit cooler in the middle (a few days where it didn’t get above 20°C). Overall, it was about half a degree above average, which still puts it in the average range.
The month started off very dry with a streak of almost three weeks with no precipitation going back to May. This streak was broken by a couple of wet days with over 40 mm of rain, followed by another dry streak for another week. A bit more rain in the last week put the total precipitation at 70.8 mm, less than the average of 82.4 mm, but again within the average range.
With only one below average month so far this year (May), the total precipitation we have seen in the first half of the year of 476.4 mm is above the average total of 416.1 mm.
Summary for June 2023:
Maximum Temperature 31.6°C
Minimum Temperature 5.7°C
Average Daily High Temperature 24.2°C (Long term average 23.6°C)
Average Daily Low Temperature 11.9°C (Long term average 11.5°C)
Total Precipitation 70.8 mm (Long term average 82.4 mm)
(Long term averages based on 1981-2010 data for the Waterloo-Wellington Airport)