Sunday, June 2, 2024

May 2024 Summary

A warm May with average precipitation 

With only a few below average days during the month, the overall temperature ended up being almost 2 and half degrees above average.  This is now the sixth month in a row with above average temperatures and the warmest May since 2018.  

The lowest temperature we saw during the month was 3.0°C, which was only matched back in 1975 as the highest low temperature for May.  As well, it now looks like April 26 will be the last day it went below zero this spring, this is tied with 2013 as the earliest last freezing day in the history of Soulis weather station. 

The precipitation for the month was well distributed with no particularly wet days or long dry periods.  The total of 80.3 mm was just a bit more than the average of 73.8 mm, keeping it within the average range.  So far the total for the year is 335.4 mm, which is incredibly close to the average of 340.2 mm.

Summary for May 2024:

Maximum Temperature 30.3°C
Minimum Temperature 3.0°C
Average Daily High Temperature 21.8°C (Long term average 19.1°C)
Average Daily Low Temperature 9.2°C (Long term average 7.3°C)
Total Precipitation 80.8 mm (Long term average 73.8 mm)

(Long term averages based on 1998-2022 data from the Soulis Memorial Weather Station at the University of Waterloo)

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