Monday, October 25, 2010

Looking for snow measurement volunteers

Although we already have a couple, I'm always looking for a few more people who live in north Waterloo to help us out and measure the daily snowfall.

Unfortunately daily snowfall is not something that can be reliably measured with automatic equipment and as snowfall depths are so variable it is good to have a network of measurement locations.

We would provide the minimal equipment that is required but as the title of this post says it is a volunteer position.


- Live in the general area of the weather station, let's say Albert/Weber Street to the east, Erb St to the south, Erbsville to the West and Benjamin Road to the north.

- Have a backyard that is generally open to the sky, but is sheltered from wind and a flat area that is at least aound 4 m by 4 m.

- Able to measure the daily snowfall around 7:30 am on most days between now and early April (or whenever the snow season ends). You don't have to commit to doing it every single day (eg. you can take a vacation for a week or miss the odd weekend), but missing more than a week would be problematic.

Please email: if you are interested.

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